Source code for varspark.hail.extend

Created on 7 Nov 2017

@author: szu004
# Ensure backwards compatibility with Python 2
from __future__ import (

import sys
from typedecorator import params, Nullable, Union
from import joption
from hail import KinshipMatrix
from .rf import ImportanceAnalysis

if sys.version_info > (3,):
    long = int

[docs]class VariantsDatasetFunctions(object): """Extension to hail.VariantDataset with variant-spark related functions """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # check that the VariantDataset fields we rely on # have been initialized self.hc = self.hc self._jvds = self._jvds # Create the Java bridge object vsh = getattr(self.hc._jvm, 'au.csiro.variantspark.hail') self._vshf_cache = vsh.VSHailFunctions(self._jvds)
[docs] @params(self=object, y_expr=str, n_trees=Nullable(int), mtry_fraction=Nullable(float), oob=Nullable(bool), seed=Nullable(Union(int, long)), batch_size=Nullable(int)) def importance_analysis(self, y_expr, n_trees=1000, mtry_fraction=None, oob=True, seed=None, batch_size=100): """Builds random forest classifier for the response variable defined with y_expr. :param str y_expr: Response expression. Must evaluate to Boolean or numeric with all values 0 or 1. :param int n_trees: The number of trees to build in the forest. :param float mtry_fraction: The fraction of variables to try at each split. :param bool oob: Should OOB error be calculated. :param long seed: Random seed to use. :param int batch_size: The number of trees to build in one batch. :return: Importance analysis model. :rtype: :py:class:`ImportanceAnalysis` """ return ImportanceAnalysis(self.hc, self._vshf_cache.importanceAnalysis(y_expr, n_trees, joption(mtry_fraction), oob, joption(long(seed) if seed is not None else None), batch_size))
[docs] @params(self=object, operation_name=str) def pairwise_operation(self, operation_name): """Computes a pairwise operation on encoded genotypes. Currently implemented operations include: - `manhattan` : the Manhattan distance - `euclidean` : the Euclidean distance - `sharedAltAlleleCount`: count of shared alternative alleles - `anySharedAltAlleleCount`: count of variants that share at least one alternative allele :param operation_name: name of the operaiton. One of `manhattan`, `euclidean`, `sharedAltAlleleCount`, `anySharedAltAlleleCount` :return: A symmetric `no_of_samples x no_of_samples` matrix with the result of the pairwise computation. :rtype: :py:class:`hail.KinshipMatrix` """ return KinshipMatrix(self._vshf_cache.pairwiseOperation(operation_name))